Know Me

My Purpose

To help create a world that grows together and works better.

-Carolann Philips

Thanks for taking the time to know me  better.

I have invested the last 20 years of my life helping organizations grow their talent, and supporting individuals on their development journeys.

My specialty is to help my clients identify developmental and learning issues and goals impacting their productivity, performance, and growth. I then support and guide them, as they follow through on co-created action plans, towards desired success.

My multi skilled expertise, and multi-cultural background, reinforced with my professional qualifications and rich experience,  allows me to offer my clients a rich and diverse experience, that is both content focused, as well as process focused.

When I’m not working, you’ll find me with my family, reading a book, or perhaps doing some purposeless walking!

Training & facilitation hours

Executive coaching hours

Individuals impacted

Years in Talent Development

My Certifications & Credentials

Master Certified Coach - MCC

International Coaching Federation

Certified Global Leadership Coach

Global Coach Group

Certified Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coach

Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Certified Global Leader of the Future 360 Assessor

Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Certified Management Coach

Certified Coaches Alliance

Certified Organizational Development Coach

Symbiosis, USA

Certified for Competence in Occupational Testing

Level A and Level B Intermediate

Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - CELTA

University of Cambridge ESOL

Certified for Assessor Training for Assessment and Development Centres

SHL Training Academy, UK

Certified in Competency Based Interviewing

SHL Training Academy, UK

Post Graduate Diploma in Instructional Design

Symbiosis University, India

Certified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner Coach

5th Element

Global Professional in Human Resources - GPHR®

Human Resources Certification Institute

Certified Kirkpatrick Professional - Bronze Level

Kirkpatrick Patrners

Everything DiSC Certified Trainer


Certified Etiquette and Protocol Consultant

Etiquette Survival LLC, Los Gatos California

Certified Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children Assessment Facilitator & Practitioner - MMTIC®

Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children®

Certified Performance and Competency Developer

Middle Earth HR

Certified for the Design and Implementation of Assessment and Development Centres

SHL Training Academy, UK

Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management

International Air Transport Association

Bachelor of Arts

Osmania University, India

Awards & Recognition

Best Skills Coaching Award

– World HRD Congress, 2017

Most Distinguished Trainer Award

– World HRD Congress, 2017

Outstanding High Performance & Organizational Development Coach Award

– The Middle East Training & Development Awards, 2019

Women Super Achiever for Excellence in Training, Coaching & Talent Management Consulting

– The Middle East Training & Development Awards, 2019

Some of My Awesome Clients
Top 5 reasons to work with me...

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