
Where is the Learning Happening?

Current economic challenges have made most organizations concentrate on the one biggest tangible, ‘money’. Many organizations are implementing measures to reduce expenses and improve profitability. One trend is cutting down on employee training and development initiatives. Specifically, those that focus on soft skills. This is unfortunate and short-sighted. Any organization that aspires to survive and …

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‘Need’ Based, Not ‘Want’ Based Training

Every manager seems to think that ‘training’ is the answer to ALL  performance problems. Two employees don’t get along? They need training. Missed a target? You need training. Errors in reports? Get trained! A training needs analysis meeting is never complete without the supervisor or manager listing a plethora of ‘training needs’ for their employees. …

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Learning That Impacts Productivity

I have always been a firm advocate, and a committed practitioner, of the competency based training (learning) methodology. I strongly believe that trainees should be awarded a “ Certificate of Competence” rather than a ‘Certificate of Attendance’, ‘Certificate of Completion’, ‘Certificate of Participation’, or whatever IF  ‘successful’ after training – be it behavioral, functional, leadership, or language …

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