organizational effectiveness

In-House TD Issues and What to do About Them

Most organizations today realize that learning and development is vital for business success. Every organization worth its salt has a Learning and Development ‘function’, ‘L & D Team’, or ‘Training Department’ and even fully equipped training rooms or ‘Training Centres’, with an allocated budget to conduct a wide range of training initiatives throughout the year …

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‘Need’ Based, Not ‘Want’ Based Training

Every manager seems to think that ‘training’ is the answer to ALL  performance problems. Two employees don’t get along? They need training. Missed a target? You need training. Errors in reports? Get trained! A training needs analysis meeting is never complete without the supervisor or manager listing a plethora of ‘training needs’ for their employees. …

‘Need’ Based, Not ‘Want’ Based Training Read More »

In-Person Training : Why does it matter

Online or e-learning is the new fascination of many organizations as a tool to facilitate the learning and development of employees. It’s convenient, flexible, cost effective, immediate, unrestricted, and can be customized to different needs. Yet, one area where I’d still question the effectiveness of e-learning is in teaching ‘behavioral skills’, ‘ people skills’, or …

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Learning That Impacts Productivity

I have always been a firm advocate, and a committed practitioner, of the competency based training (learning) methodology. I strongly believe that trainees should be awarded a “ Certificate of Competence” rather than a ‘Certificate of Attendance’, ‘Certificate of Completion’, ‘Certificate of Participation’, or whatever IF  ‘successful’ after training – be it behavioral, functional, leadership, or language …

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